I had this to say: "Great blog Nikki! I really enjoyed reading it and your opinion. You definitely seem like you've given this issue some very sound and good thought. That said, I must admit and apologize but I am a little confused as to which bill you were specifically referring to, regarding that bill on the abortion issue. You’re discussing a bill that is possibly going to pass which can be a game changer but I just don't know which one it is. Link please?
Besides that, I really enjoyed reading your writing very much. It is very easy on the eyes and a good read. My personal opinion on abortion is that although we most certainly should not live in a dictatorship society and a woman should have the right to chose, shouldn’t the fetus have a right too? I honestly and humbly don't believe that abortion should ever be used as a form or method of birth control but women should still have their rights over their bodies too. I guess it is a very sticky subject and topic.
I highly commend your decision to not want to have children if you know that is what you want and your statements of practicing abstinence. People should be responsible in the world to avoid issues like this all together. Anyway, I really liked the blog and I give it a 9.5 out of 10. Great work!"
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